Create your first development environment with Vagrant. This quick start provides a brief introduction to Vagrant, its prerequisites, and an overview of three of the most important Vagrant commands to understand.
Install Vagrant
Install Vagrant by visiting the Vagrant downloads page and downloading the appropriate installer or package for your platform. Packages are available for Mac, Windows, and distributions of Linux.
Initialize a Project Directory
Create a project directory to set up your first Vagrant project. Then initialize the project with a Vagrantfile at its root.
Install and Specify a Box
Vagrant uses a base image to quickly clone a virtual machine. In this tutorial specify a base image.
Boot an Environment
Bring up your first Vagrant environment, and SSH into the machine. Then destroy the virtual machine and remove the stored box.
Synchronize Local and Guest Files
Share files and folders between your local machine and the guest virtual machine to develop in your Vagrant environment while using your own text editor and other tools.
Share an Environment
Now that you have a web server running and accessible from your machine, share
and collaborate on the environment using the Vagrant Share plugin.
Rebuild an Environment
When you are ready to come back to your project, whether it is tomorrow,
a week from now, or a year from now, getting it up and running is easy.
Teardown an Environment
Suspend, halt, or destroy your Vagrant development environment.
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